Discover the Best Watercolour Wallpapers & Wall Murals in Canada: 4 Stunning Designs


Hello, art lovers and home décor enthusiasts! I’m Dillon, the art curator at Wallpaper Online, and today, I’d love to take you behind the scenes to share the delightful journey of curating the best wallpapers in Canada.

A Canvas of Inspiration and Creativity

Our journey begins with a spark of inspiration. As we curate the watercolour collection of wall murals for Canadian homes , we immerse ourselves in the world of art, seeking inspiration from nature, forest landscapes, and the vibrant hues that surround us. Here, I’d like to share a glimpse into the stories behind some of our beloved pieces: 

This mural is a tribute to the serene forests of Canada, where the whispers of the trees and the hues of the leaves come together to create a tranquil cosy feeling.

Inspired by the mesmerizing horizons witnessed during the twilight hours, this piece brings a calming yet invigorating touch to your space.

This mural captures the grandeur of Canada’s majestic mountain peaks, offering a slice of nature’s tranquillity in your living space.

A reflection of the beautiful alpine landscapes, this artwork brings a refreshing and artistic touch to your walls.

Crafting Rental Friendly Wallpaper

One of the aspects we pride ourselves on is creating rental friendly wallpaper. Our peel & stick wallpaper in Canada is designed with both homeowners and renters in mind, offering an easy installation process that doesn’t compromise the integrity of your walls.

Celebrating the Best Wallpapers Canada Offers

At Wallpaper Online, we are committed to bringing you the best wallpapers Canada has to offer. Our selection process is meticulous, ensuring that each piece not only resonates with beauty but also embodies the spirit of Canada, from the bustling vibes of wallpaper Toronto to the serene beauty of wallpaper Vancouver.


I hope you enjoyed this little peek into the world of wall murals in Canada at Wallpaper Online. It’s a journey of passion and artistry, where each mural is a canvas that tells a story, a piece of art that transforms your living space into a haven of beauty and tranquillity. Thank you for joining me on this artistic journey!


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